How to Backup a Mac with Time Machine

This video will show you how to Backup a Mac with Time Machine.

Hi All
I thought I would do a video on how to Backup a Mac with Time Machine. For those that don’t know what Time Machine is, its a free app that comes with Mac OS X and it allows you to backup all the data on your Mac to an external hard drive.
Usually a USB drive is used to back up too, however some Mac’s have a Firewire port and a Firewire drive can be used for a backup in this case. You can also backup to a network server drive or any non-bootable volume which has been formatted with Apple’s HFS Extended format.

When you buy an external hard drive to backup the data, make sure you purchase one with allot of storage space. If the drive is new it will pop up with a prompt and ask you if you want to use this drive as a backup drive?
At this stage you can just hit the backup now and Time Machine will do the rest.

To start it Manually. Go into System Preferences and click on the Time Machine app.

How to upgrade memory and hard drive on a Macbook Pro.

This video is a step by step guide on how to upgrade memory and hard drive on a Macbook Pro.
1. Turn your Macbook over so the bottom is facing up.
2. Remove the screws from the bottom of the Macbook Pro.
3. Remove the bottom of the Macbook from the rest of the shell.
4. Slide the two plastic leavers away from the memory.
5. Slide the memory back in and push it into place.
6. Put the lid back in place and screw all the screws back into place.
And then you are done.