Google Pixel XL fails build quality

Google Pixel XL fails build quality

After getting news that Google would be releasing a new rage of phones called the Google Pixel and Google Pixel XL, I was pretty excited and hopeful that the new range of phones would give me a great alternative to my current phone the Samsung Galaxy S7.
As well as its being a new phone for Google. It is also the first time that the we have previewed an Android phone from Google HTC. Now I say HTC because this phone is designed by Google and made by HTC.

Google Pixel XL

Unfortunately that’s where my love affair ended. After unboxing the Google Pixel XL
unboxing the Google Pixel XL I noticed that the design felt quite dated maybe about 1 year behind that of the Samsung Galaxy S7, however that alone would worry me too much as the software that does come with the Google Pixel XL is pretty dam good although I had a hard time working out the actual real difference between the Google assistant on the Pixel XL and the Google assistant on the Samsung S7. Both seemed to do the same job for me.

But the one thing that really kind of left me speechless with the Google Pixel XL was the build quality. The Google Pixel XL fails build quality in my book. First of all the phone it not water proof and for good reason because my model literally had the screen starting to peel back after one day of use.

Pixel XL fails build quality

This is really bad considering the cost of the phone was $1300s Australian this is about $950 USD. So not a cheap phone by any means. At the end of the day I was more disappointed that the phone didn’t live up to my expectations. Maybe I have just been to lucky with the Samsung models so far have been very good and at this stage doesn’t look like I will be changing them anytime soon.

Let me know your thoughts? Please feel free to leave a comment I would love to hear from you.


Google Pixel XL Unboxing & Firstlook

Google Pixel XL Unboxing & Firstlook

This Google designed phone is actually made by HTC. So this is the first HTC phone we have previewed on